You are currently viewing MUNCIPAL COUNCIL OMRS TRAINING






The Municipal Council (“Council”) Chief Executive Officers and Human Resources Personnel had the opportunity to participate in the Open Merit Recruitment Selection (OMRS) Training. The Training was organised by the Ministry of Local Government and conducted by the officers from the Ministry of Civil Service.


“The Ministry of Local Government has been prompting the Councils with respect to the implementation of OMRS Guidelines across the Municipal Councils to promote an open, transparent and competitive recruitment selection process based on merit”, said the Director Local Government – Ms. Bindula Devi.


“After this training and accreditation, you will be required to appropriately implement the OMRS Guidelines and train the other staff within your organisation. It is imperative that you share your knowledge from this training with your colleagues” reiterated Ms. Devi.


The OMRS Training and Accreditation will assist the Councils to adhere to and implement OMRS Guidelines during the recruitment process.